"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."  Hebrews 10:24-25



2021 - 2022


The purpose of this file is to put some of the nitty gritty details of F.U.N. in a simplistic readable format. Also shared here are the policies concerning enrollment, registration fees, communication, adding students and teachers, academic focus, AND a reminder about the realistic limitations of our little school.

What is FUN Academy and Who is on the Faculty?

Families United Network Academy Inc. is a K-12 non-profit private Christian school, with regularly enrolled home-tutored students, receiving academic instruction on a part-time campus facility.  Parent-teachers work as active and essential aides, using a regular curriculum approved by parent faculty with qualified teaching credentials.   


Since it's inception, Brian and Tricia McQuarrie have been the leadership team of FUN Academy.

Class Schedule                                                                                    

On campus classes are held on Fridays.  A school calendar is provided during enrollment. 

On Campus Meeting Place                                                            

2100 Tuckahoe Rd, Rt. 50, Petersburg NJ 08270

Academy Closings - On Campus Program

School closings and delayed openings will be announced via email notification from the Academy elist.

Communication Policy

All concerns are to be addressed with the leadership directly. The enrolled body (PTA) also has an online forum to voice ideas and suggestions, while engaging in problem solving together for workable solutions.  There is an annual planning meeting to discuss ways to improve.  The leadership makes all final decisions for the Academy.

FUN Academy Insurance Policy

- general liability insurance is required by the on-campus facility

- the annual Academy insurance premium is approximately $600.00 

-the annual insurance cost and registration fees per enrolled family is approximately $100.00  

-each enrolled family signs an annual insurance waiver for liability purposes

Discipline and General Academy Rules

-Each family signs an annual academy discipline policy at enrollment each year

-No "drop off's" are allowed for the on-campus classes and sick children are to be left at home. Parent-teachers are NOT to leave the building during campus sessions. Children can NOT be sent with anyone other than their own parents to attend campus classes.

-Adult guests may accompany an enrolled family, bringing their children with them. Guests must also sign an insurance waiver. No child guests allowed if not accompanied with their parent. 

Finances and Enrollment

-F.U.N. is a tuition-free Academy.  We collect registration fees during August, currently totaling $100.00 annually, per family.  Registration fees cover the cost of insurance and curriculum.  As special circumstances arise, we may increase registration fees to cover additional costs due to unplanned curriculum needs.  We keep checking account balances at a reasonable level. (see "enrollment forms" link for more information)

-Account balances are reported to the PTA

-Teachers receive reimbursements for class costs per quarter

-Grants and Scholarships : FUN Academy will NOT apply for OR accept grants or scholarship monies

Other Services and Programs

Diploma and Transcript service (see link) is available upon successful completion of high school program.  Your students yearly records filed with F.U.N., coupled with credits issued by the Academy, provide the proof of a regularly scheduled and completed curriculum, following current Christian private school guidelines.  F.U.N. Academy is currently accredited through N.A.P.S.

Earning College Credits

ACE COLLEGE PROGRAM - High school students participating in the ACE program can successfully earn college credit while also earning high school credit.  See Tricia for more information or visit:

Academic Testing

CAT tests are purchased online at 

Lending Library

FUN maintains a lending library, primarily consisting of teaching aides, curriculum and reference books. 

Basketball teams

FUN Academy boys AND girls basketball teams have practices on Friday afternoons from 3:30-5pm.  Contact the coaching staff for more information.

Off-Campus Monthly Activities

Each month the academy participates in roller skating, bowling, park days, and other educational field trips.  Reminders for off-campus activities are received on the online forum.

Group Focus and Purpose

-Creating CHRISTIAN fellowship for our families while enjoying academic excellence,  This is an inter-denominational Academy.

-Asking for a strong commitment to the Academy as well as the commitment to quarterly class offerings

-Having an active participation level from all parent-teachers


This is a Christian interdenominational Academy.  Simply put, we are Bible believing brothers and sisters who love Jesus, seek to know Him personally, worship Him, and serve Him.  Faith subjects are frequent topics in classes.  We also have a live Worship band that leads us in contemporary Christian music prior to class time.  Faith and God's Word are shared at the Academy.  We do not promote one translation of the Bible over another.  We may use contemporary music in projects and classes.  We celebrate our differences and focus on the commonalities. We extend grace when theological differences are evident, without affecting class participation.  Families are encouraged to go home and discuss with their children the common threads and then also any differences. 

Adding Families

-We are dedicated to keeping our Academy as close to 15-20 families as possible, while still meeting the needs of the enrolled students.  Enrollment will be maintained at no more than approximately 50 students.

-Each family must seek re-enrollment for the following year (we do NOT have a leave of absence policy)

-When adding prospective families from our waiting list, we do so based on a SPECIFIC NEED they can fill. Some EXAMPLES are:

-needing to round out a boy/girl ratio in a class, needing more teachers/hands, filling a vacancy, needing a teacher that fills a void that we have (for instance a parent that has a science specialty OR a teacher that is a drama expert, etc.)

- Adding students/teachers is limited to the planning phase of the new year (early Spring), UNLESS a SPECIFIC NEED has presented itself as very important to the Academy (IMPORTANT - PLEASE NOTE THE DEADLINE FOR SPRING APPLICATIONS!!!)

How do Families "Get Accepted?"                                                     

     FUN Academy has limited enrollment.  We often have a waiting list. Families who enroll in the Academy come from that waiting list. Currently, interested families who have completed their application are told that our school is presently full. They also receive information about the dynamics/focus of the school.  Usually families find it a simple task to determine whether they would be a good candidate for FUN Academy based on their student needs, our teaching needs, and the focus of the Academy.

     Alumni who have previously left the Academy and would like to return are also required to complete an application form, paying special attention to the deadline.  Alumni will likely be considered at the top of the waiting list for future vacancies but the deciding factor for adding a family is the teaching/student needs of the Academy. 

     We do NOT simply take the next person on the waiting list but rather look at the prospective families to see who fits the pending NEEDS of our school. We may also direct prospective families to additional home-tutoring options available, following through on their results.

     Our enrollment policy is based on Academy needs, coupled with compatibility with the FUN purposes/focus. Additionally, an invitation may be extended to a family based on a recommendation from someone already enrolled in the school.

     Our admissions policy is designed to keep FUN Academy small, personal and of high academic standards. Families United Network Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.  It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its education policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

     FUN Academy was formed to be an academic support to the Christian families who have enrolled. Our goal has been to create a place where "like-minded" families are coming together to glorify God, praise Him with our efforts for the children and edify each other through prayer, etc. This is what makes it work SO WELL! :)

Teaching Requirements - view

Reminder About Limitations

"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:30

      FUN Academy was designed (and even named) because the desire of our hearts was to enjoy each others company and share simple fellowship. In order to keep "FUN" fun, we cannot depend on one another to always meet our own expectations at each turn of the road. As we have often reminded each other, we need to continually exercise grace. Because this is an "interdenominational" Christian Academy we may not always share identical viewpoints.  We do not engage in "converting the converted" but rather focus on our common beliefs.  It is important to be honest about limitations. This does not mean lowered standards but rather healthy expectations, as we can ALL agree our collective standards are high. :)  We are each bound to be disappointed at times.  Some things will be different for us ALL. 

     "Is this school a good fit for my family?" is an important question enrolled parents are also asked to sift annually.  At some point some parents may decide the answer is "no" and will leave to seek a more like-minded fellowship. Member families understand that the leadership format, Academy structure, and various foundational policies are unchangeable.        

Here’s to another a great year!


Tricia McQuarrie

To God be the glory for this upcoming year of FUN and fellowship!