See the details below about our transcript/diploma service 

F.U.N. Academy is accredited through N.A.P.S. and all diplomas are stamped with the official Academy seal. 

Diplomas will be issued from the Academy record of earned Academy credit hours and "home-tutored curriculum."  

 For more information, contact F.U.N. Academy secretary (Tara).

High School Diploma Requirements for Families United Network Academy


General Requirements for High School Diploma 18 credits

Recommended Standard College Preparatory Program 22 credits


4 credits

4 credits


3 credits (one of which must be Algebra 1 or above)

3 credits (one of which must be Algebra 1 or above)


3 credits

3 credits

Social Sciences

1 credit world history 1 credit American history ½ credit American Government ½ credit Economics or NJ State History

3 credits

Foreign Language

Not required for high school graduation; required for admission into many universities

2 credits

Art & Music

1 credit

1 credit

Physical Education/Health

1 credit

1 credit


3 credits (Computer/keyboarding skills strongly recommended)

5 credits

How do I earn credits for a non-Academy course?

F.U.N. Academy will grant 1 high school credit for the successful completion of 180 days or more of work in one subject. We grant ½ high school credit for 90 days or more of work in one subject.

For courses that use a textbook and/or workbook, the following three conditions have to be met in order for F.U.N. Academy curriculum advisors to grant high school credits.

1. The textbook has to be identified by the publisher as a high school text.

2. The student must have completed at least 75% of the textbook.

3. The student’s work has been documented to the satisfaction of the Academy curriculum advisors. Documentation includes copies of mid term and final exams or other exams that cover the range of subject matter in the book.

For courses that do not use a textbook and/or workbook, the following conditions must be met in order for the Academy curriculum advisors to grant high school credits:

1. The student must complete a minimum of 90 hours of work in one subject area. "Work" is defined as reading, writing, library research, watching educational videos, using educational software, interacting with educational websites, internships, private classes, tutoring, correspondence courses, online courses, local courses.

2. Final authorization will be determined by a F.U.N. Academy representative versed in curriculum.


Electives may include: any computer classes, Bible, philosophy, Work Service, Community Service projects, College courses, CLEP Courses, Private courses, etc. Electives need to be approved by the curriculum advisor before credit will be given.

Documenting Work Completed Outside of a Traditional Public or Private School

F.U.N. Academy encourages students to explore educational opportunities outside of a traditional academic program. Therefore, we are pleased to grant high school credit for real life learning experiences. For example, Art, Music, Gymnastics, Karate, Dance, Swimming Lessons, etc.

Students can receive high school credits from F.U.N. Academy for lessons taken during high school. Two of the following conditions must be met:

1. Receipt for the payment of the lesson or course.

2. A written report from the lesson instructor or other report from a third party verifying the participation of the student or documentation such as photographs and/or other objective "evidence" that would confirm participation and progress as a result of the lessons.

3. The student must have taken the lessons when they were between the ages of 13 and 19 years OR

4. If the student is 12 or younger, a written letter from the instructor stating that the student is working at high school level.

Organized Sports

Students can be granted high school Physical Education credit for participation in organized sports such as football, hockey, swimming, tennis, basketball, baseball, etc. The following three conditions must be met:

1. Receipt for any payments paid for membership on the team or written evaluation from instructor with pictures or other documentation.

2. The student must be between the age of 13 through 19 OR

3. If the student is 12 or younger, a written letter from the coach stating that the student is a member of the specific sports team and for how long he/she has participated.

Honors Diploma:

An honors Diploma is available for all students that have maintained an A average (that is 94-100) in all subjects. Each student must also have completed at least 20-24 credits. Approval will be determined at the final evaluation before graduation and subject to administrative consent.


Each graduating student will receive an official transcript with their diploma. Any student requiring letters of recommendation for college officials will need to put that request in writing and submit it to the Academy curriculum advisor and administrative office.


Each diploma and transcript bundle will cost $40 per student. The student will also receive 2 letters of recommendation, if needed, for no extra cost. Each additional letter will cost $2.